by Judy O'Toole-Freel

  All images are copyrighted. Do not download, copy or reproduce in any fashion without permission from the artist. Please respect intellectual property rights.

Click any thumbnail to view an enlargement and additional information

Wanda the Welcome Woman

Seeds of Peace

Front Entry

Greatroom 1

Greatroom 2

Greatroom 3

Laundry Room

Painting Studio

Writing Studio

Sue's Bedroom

In 2006, Judy and Mirle's home was one of 5 in Tucson chosen by Tucson Home Magazine as a DIY Design Award Winner.

Judy accepts limited commissions for wall art in Tucson/Marana. Contact her with inquiries.

Door Designs


Home pageJudy's 2-D ArtJudy's Wall ArtJudy's BooksMirle's DrawingsMirle's PaintingsMirle's Photographs