by Mirle Freel, Jr.

  All images are copyrighted. Do not download, copy or reproduce in any fashion without permission from the artist. Please respect intellectual property rights.

"The longer I live, the less I find a difference between the dream and the conscious mind.
It is all a fantasy, a mix of reality and non-reality."


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Color Photographs - Realism/Direct Experience
Tucson Experience Series

Native Arizonan

Greening of the Desert

Prickly Pear

Budding Flower

Desert Bloom

Flower in Red

Bryce Park

Oak Creek Springs

Saguaro Blossoms


Fleet, a Portrait Series - Digital Photographic Paintings

"Fleet, a Portrait Series is a story of my relationship to Fleet, an inseparable friend for 20 years. These images transform our relationship on the journey toward enlightenment. The spiritual communication we have is depicted through color transforming the form. My imagination translates the images seen through the lens of the camera where  I see what I can see - energy, beauty and spirit of Fleet."

Fleet in Contemplation

Fleet in Flight

Fleet Portrait

Freedom Flight

Fleet with Ima

Stand Tall


Color Photographs - Of Subconscious Derivations, Imaginations & Fantasies
Tucson Experience Series

Mission and Judy

Fluid Roses

Gleshie's Journey

Metamorphic Form

Judy and Hawk

Tucson Rose

The Rose

Black Rose

Multiple Roses


Color Metamorphosis - The intrinsic nature of the subconscious is the intuitive language of the visual arts spoken through subliminal metamorphic forms traveling between subconscious and conscious worlds.

Color Forming

Eye of Beholder

Form Dressed in Yellow

Form Flirting

Form Reversal



Home PageJudy's 2-D ArtJudy's BooksJudy's Wall ArtMirle's DrawingsMirle's PaintingsMirle's Photographs